Saturday, September 08, 2007

It's a 3 out of 6...

Went to the doctor this morning. She says that to her his heart sounds the same. Here are the technical terms/numbers. She said the murmur/gallop/swoosh is a 3 out of 6 and that months ago Dr. Tiwari had it as a 3 out of 6 also. There was a note in between those two notes in his file - there was one doc that had his murmur as a 2 out of 6 but she wasn't concerned with that because she and Dr. T agreed. His pulse ox was 96%, heart rate 118 - which is good. She checked his sugars from the last labs he had done and it was 86, which is normal. She said to be sure to talk to the cardiologist on Monday, if not before. If he has this happen again (weakness, easily tired, sweaty, inability to stand up) this weekend to talk to TCH on call cardiology. Sean said to just take him in if it happens again. She said to be sure to explain any changes in his sweating (he has always been sweaty - the only difference is that it is now his whole body instead of just his head - has been that way for months). He is putting together a puzzle with Dad right now and looks/feels great.

Another thing the doc said is that she could NOT feel his spleen. His tummy was tense when she was feeling it because her hands were cold but I am glad she couldn't feel it. I think I know his gut pretty well by now but maybe what I felt was stool (yucky but likely, he is full of it).

We are relieved but cautious. We still plan to go to the It's My Heart - Noah's Ark Water Park event tomorrow. Great - Mommy in a bathing suit - fun! I think the anxiety is already setting in...

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