Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone had a happy thanksgiving and was able to enjoy some time with friends or family yesterday. And if you are shopping today - what the heck are you thinking? Some of the stores in Houston opened at 4am! Are you kidding me? That is crazy. Having worked retail at Christmas you couldn't pay me enough to be out shopping today!

We spent the day with Sean's Dad and Step mom (and lots more family). The boys LOVE going to grammy and grandpa's house and playing. Here are the pics from the day.

Both Riley and Miles like to take pictures so there are some different approaches to photography in this album...


Everyone have a great 4 day weekend!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Glad your thanks giving was so great - we had stores open at midnight on the 23 here - it was nuts. I stayed home and played with the kids. I lvoe the photos - they sure are fun. :)

Dan said...

Hey Becky,
Here's to wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Hope you have a great time!


Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

Happy Thanksgiving,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Becky! Hope you have had a Merry Christmas and wishing you a Happy New Year! :)

Dan said...

Happy New Year to you and your whole family :D

And yes, your most recent post is still Thanksgiving ;)